Friday 18 July 2014


The Internet has taken over just about every aspect of daily life. From computers to tablets to mobile devices, the online universe is always just a click away. For most people, it's an extremely useful and manageable medium that makes it easy to do everything from conducting extensive research for work or school to watching a full season of a favorite television program in one sitting. However, for some people, the Internet has become the place where they spend most if not all of their time. Their Internet use has spiraled out of control and has negatively affected their personal and professional lives. Many people claim they live their lives online, but Internet addicts really do live online. People suffering from Internet addiction find it extremely difficult to log off. Online addiction can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Some people are addicted to Internet porn, while others have heavy online gambling problems. Still others are addicted to gaming, often spending hundreds of hours a week in front of their monitors. When going online means that you are no longer able to function normally
Although it has not yet been officially recognized as a psychiatric disorder, many psychiatrists and psychologists note that people who are "addicted" to the Internet may actually be suffering from other underlying psychological issues that are manifesting themselves in obsessive Internet use.
Internet addiction is often called Internet Addictive Disorder (IAD). People with this condition have several symptoms, including:
  • Internet addicts have an intense need to spend an increased amount of time online. As that amount of time increases, they become less and less satisfied, so their tolerance levels increase.
  • Internet addicts experience intense withdrawal symptoms if they are forced to get offline. They'll experience things such as overwhelming anxiety, obsessive thoughts about what they're missing online and dreams about being online.
  • Internet addicts will often ghost type, moving their fingers in a typing motion even when not on the computer.
  • Internet addicts withdraw from all other aspects of their lives. Their social interactions with family and friends suffer as they pull away from interacting with people offline.
  • Internet addicts have a difficult time focusing on their careers and often quit their jobs or are fired.

How Serious Is This Condition?

The fact that inpatient Internet recovery centers even exist means the condition can be extremely serious and disruptive to someone's life. As recently reported by Time, a new study shows that Internet addicts suffer withdrawal symptoms similar to those experienced by hardened drug addicts going through withdrawal. The study compared the withdrawal symptoms of some of the participants to those suffered by people withdrawing from the drug ecstasy. If trying to get offline is akin to trying to detox from a drug, a top Internet recovery program can make all of the difference in helping people deal with their compulsions.


Thousands of marriages break up every year, that’s a sad fact. They start out great, but something happens along the way. It could be almost immediately that the signs begin showing that one or both mates aren’t happy, or it could take years. Money, careers and egos are often behind the break up of a marriage but there are 5 other reasons that marriages break up, but shouldn’t.

The lack of communication is one reason why marriages finally fall apart. Some couples begin their relationships just by talking, and talking. Then one day, you notice that you don’t talk as much as you used to or that the conversations have little meaning. There could be many different reasons behind this. One is that the couple are tired after work and caring for children, and just don’t feel like talking. After many months of this, you seem to lose the connection you once had. Another communication problem is pretending to like something you don’t, in order to make the other person happy. Good intentions, but they often go sour after you realize that you don’t want to pretend any more. Now the only thing left to do is hurt the person’s feelings or let them know you lied and were only pretending the entire time. This often causes one mate to lose respect for the other.

Jealousy is another reason that many marriages break up. Once married, many people expect their mate to give up friendships, particularly ones with the opposite sex. Many women don’t want men to go out for a night with the boys; many men want their woman to speak to no other man. Arguments follow, and hard feelings. Distrust and finally bitterness result in not being frank with each other about this topic from the beginning. Marriage will change previous relationships somewhat, but no one should have to give up their previous friendships to suit a mate. Trust is important in a relationship and trust goes out the window when either party becomes jealous.

Jokes have been made for many years about in-laws but the fact of the matter is, if you don’t like yours, there could be years of trouble. Some in-laws butt in where they’re not wanted or needed, causing one person to “choose” between the parent or the mate. For some people, it’s simply impossible to choose because they don’t want either person mad at them. This usually angers both the mate and the in-laws, causing further ill feelings. Arguments with, about, and over in-laws can cause irreparable damage to a marriage.

Kids, step kids, your kids, my kids - it can be overwhelming. The birth of a new baby is a beautiful thing, but can cause the dad to feel left out. The mom is often tired and frustrated from dealing with the baby, making the tension very thick in the household. Or the problem could lie with older children, from previous relationships. If you’re the new step mom or step dad, you try really hard to have the kids like you, but maybe they never will. Kids might try to intimidate the new parent, causing hard feelings. Arguments about punishments, curfews and other child issues can cause a rift in the marriage.

Boredom is one of the number one reasons that after years of being together, people break up. Maybe your mate has fallen into the habit of sitting in front of the television, night after night, while you sit alone in the bedroom. Someone at work notices you, smiles, and it’s over. You’re now interested in the new person who pays attention to you. You begin an affair that will eventually end the marriage.

Try to avoid the pitfalls of the typical divorce by being honest with your mate from day one, remembering to do or say little special things to your partner from time to time, and pay attention to your mate, no matter how busy you are. Marriage is a wonderful thing and it doesn’t have to go bad if you and your partner have made up your mind to make it work, no matter what.